Call For Submissions – Issue V

The Will This Be A Problem Anthology is back this year for its fifth issue, and we are once again looking for works of speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy and horror by authors from the African continent. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submissions open on midnight, 16th of February, 2024 (12:00AM GMT +3) and close on midnight, 16th … Read more

The Kenyan Experiment : Episode 3

Will This Be A Problem Presents Episode 3: Forms of Protest III : The Serpent God of Lake Victoria In this episode, we will look at the religion of Mumbo, a serpent god who was believed to reside in Lake Victoria and in the sun. This religion would spread among the Luo and the Kisii … Read more

1. Forms of Protest I : The Two Prophets

In this episode of The Kenyan Experiment we explore the Maasai and the Nandi, the prophets who shaped their journey through the colonial march in Kenya and the varied and fascinating forms of protest the people adopted. Mystic Trials – VGM Mark H À Espera do Comboio da Noite – MPeX Beautiful Oblivion – Scott … Read more

Nonchalant By Cheryl S. Ntumy

The fear that she will leave sits and festers in the bottom of my stomach, wearing a hole right through me. It wakes me in the night. I sit up, gasping, hand over my mouth so she doesn’t stir beside me. I climb out of bed. I know I mustn’t. I know I’m meant to … Read more

Antholgy Call Out 2019

The Will This Be A Problem Anthology is back this year and we are looking for works of speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy and horror by authors from the African continent. While we tend to gravitate toward the weirder and darker side of things, our aesthetic is always in flux. We value risks, surprises, rude … Read more


Tuesday, February 20, 2035. He thought he heard the sound of sirens. He felt lifeless. Someone seemed to touch his neck, then his left wrist and then started compressing his chest. Another hand forced his mouth open. He felt like he was coughing but wasn’t sure whether he did. He felt tired and sleepy. The … Read more


Cobwebs hung from the wooden rafters of the one room mabati shack along with an assortment of beads and bones on strings. The room was dimly lit through a little wooden window that was only partially open and covered with a piece of sack for a curtain. Rays of light shone through holes in the … Read more